Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Choreography and steps

Been catching ABDC on youtube these few days. With the favs being Kaba and Jabba of course.
Watching how they project concepts and visuals really amazes me.

Of course the steps will play a part but as a choreographer, you need to create visuals rather than making step based movements. But the most impressive was lates one by Jabbawockies (think i got my spelling right).

Dissecting it, it had so many things happening at one time that you don't know what to look at. The whole visual was more like a segment of a musical than purely a dance. There are 3 to 4 different dynamics at parts of the perfomance that makes it so exciting. Not an easy task for the choreographer especially.

"It will be considered as a form of art, only when it is appreciated as one..."~ Rhythmstylus

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